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Assam Police SI Syllabus 2020 - Selection Process, Syllabus & Guide Books

Assam Police SI Syllabus 2020
Selection Process, Syllabus & Guide Books

Assam Police has already released the admit cards of written test for the recruitment of 597 Sub Inspector (SI) vacancy in Assam Police. Candidates who are preparing for Assam Police SI Recruitment 2020 may check this article for Assam Police SI Syllabus and selection process in details.
Assam Police SI Recruitment 2020 Full Details:

Name of post: Sub Inspector (UB)

No of posts: 597

Recruitment authority: State Level Police Recruitment Board (SLPRB), Assam

Type of exam: OMR based Exam

Date of written exam: 22-11-2020 (Sunday)

Time of exam: 12 noon- 2 pm

Selection Process of Assam Police SI Recruitment 2020:

The candidates will have to appear for a  Written Test in the district of his/ her present residential address. The Chairman reserves the right to change the venue of the test and no representation etc. will be entertained in this regard. Before entering the examination center, biometrics of each candidate will be done.

The written test will be of 100 marks and will be completely OMR based. There will be 100 questions and each question will be of 1 (one) mark. There will be negative marking of ½ mark for each wrong answer.

Topic-wise Details of Assam Police SI Syllabus:

The questions will be set in three parts:

(i) Logical reasoning, aptitude, comprehension
(ii) Matters relating to History and Culture of Assam and India and
(iii) General Knowledge.

Candidates will use black or dark blue ball pen to answer the OMR based answer sheet. Duration of the test will be of 3 (three) hours.

Candidates numbering only 5 times the number of posts in respect of each category (Unreserved, S.T. (P), S.T.(H), OBC/MOBC) both male & female will be called for PST (Physical Standard Test) and PET (Physical Efficiency Test) on merit basis. A list will be published in the Assam Police Website as well as in leading dailies of Assam.

Assam Police SI Physical Standard Test:

After the Call letter and the identity are found correct, the candidates will be asked to appear in the PST. The PST will carry no marks. Measurement of the height, weight and chest (only for Males) of the candidates will be taken after which the candidate will be inspected by a medical officer for preliminary checkup like knocked knee, vision test, colour blindness test, flat foot, varicose vein, physical deformities etc. Varicose vein shall be considered a temporary disqualification. Once a candidate clears the PST, he/she will have to appear in the Physical Efficiency Test (PET).

Assam Police SI Physical Efficiency Test:

The Physical Efficiency Test will carry 40 marks. It will have 2 (two) events viz.
a) 1600 meters race for male candidates and 800 meters race for female candidates.
b) Long Jump - for male 335 cm (minimum) and for female 244cm (minimum), 3 chances (longest valid jump will be considered).

Male candidates:
a) Race: Those who qualify in the PST will have to appear in1600 meters race to be completed within 450 seconds. Maximum qualifying time 450 seconds.
b) Long Jump: Minimum 335 cm for long jump (3 chances to be given and the longest valid jump rounded off to the nearest cm will be considered for awarding marks).

Female Candidates:
a) Race: Those who qualify in the PST will have to appear in 800 meters race to be completed within 240 seconds. Maximum qualifying time -240 seconds.
b) Long Jump: Minimum 244 cm for long jump (3 chances to be given and the longest valid jump rounded off to the nearest cm will be considered for awarding marks).
Assam Police SI Guide Books:

We enlist a list of books for the preparation of Assam Police SI Recruitment 2020 subject wise. Although you can go for any guide books available in the market, but this will never help you in clearing your concepts to crack future examinations.