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Types of Resistance exercise in Physical Therapy

The types of exercise selected for resistance training are dependent on several factors, as well as the cause and extent of primary and secondary impairments. Deficits in muscle performance, the stage of tissue healing, the condition of joints and their tolerance to compression and movement, the overall talents (physical and cognitive) of the patient, the supply of kit, and after all, the patient’s goals and therefore the intended purposeful outcomes of the program should be thought of.

A Physiotherapist helps to style a resistance exercise program to satisfy the individual with what he or she wants. there's nobody best type or kind of resistance coaching. the categories of exercise bestowed during this section square measure static (isometric) and dynamic, coaxal and eccentric, isokinetic, and aliphatic and closed-ring exercise, further as manual and mechanical and constant and variable resistance exercises.

The advantages, limitations, and applications of each of those types of resistance exercise square measure analyzed and mentioned.

Manual and Mechanical Resistance Exercise 
Isometric Exercise (Static Exercise) 
Dynamic Exercise: Concentric and Eccentric 
Isokinetic Exercise 
Open-Chain and Closed-Chain Exercise 

1. Manual and Mechanical Resistance Exercise:

From a broad perspective, a load can be applied to a contracting muscle in two ways while performing the activity: manually or mechanically.

Manual Resistance Exercise 
The manual practice of resistance exercise is a form of active-resistive exercise in which a physiotherapist or other health care provider provides resistance. It is possible to teach a patient how to apply self-resistance to selected muscle groups. In the early stages of an exercise program, this technique is useful when the muscle to be strengthened is weak and can only overcome minimal to moderate resistance.

Mechanical Resistance Exercise 
Mechanical resistance exercise is a type of active-resistive exercise in which resistance is exerted by means of devices or mechanical instruments such as weight cuffs, dumbells or resistive bands/tubes. Quantitatively and incrementally, the sum of resistance can be calculated over time. It is also useful when the amount of resistance needed is greater than what the physiotherapist can apply manually.

2.Isometric Exercise (Static Exercise):

An isometric exercise is a static form of exercise in which the muscle contracts and produces force without a noticeable change in the length of the muscle and without visible joint motion.
Although no mechanical work is done (force × distance), a measurable amount of tension and force output is produced by the muscle. Sources of isometric exercise resistance include holding against a manually applied force, holding a weight in a particular position, maintaining a position against bodyweight resistance, or pushing or pulling an immovable object.
Isometric resistance training became popular during the 1950s and 1960s as an alternative to dynamic resistance exercise and was initially thought to be a more effective and effective method of strengthening muscles. Repetitive isometric contractions, such as a set of 20 per day, have been shown to be a more effective method for improving isometric strength for 6 seconds each against near-maximum resistance. Often found with maximal isometric learning was a cross-exercise effect (a small improvement in the intensity of the contralateral, unexercised muscle group) as a result of training transition.

Types of Isometric Exercise:

During successive phases of rehabilitation in physical therapy, different forms of isometric exercise with different levels of resistant and intensive muscle contractions serve a different purpose.

Muscle-setting Isometric exercises
Setup movements involve isometrically low-intensity contractions done with little or no resistance. The muscle environment involves a sort of significant resistance, which is why static strength can be strengthened or the stamina can be maintained (endurance). Since no significant force is added, muscle configurations are not actually a resistance exercise but are included to compare and appreciate certain types of isometric exercise. Neither muscle strength increases except in very weak muscles. Setting exercises, however, will slow muscle atrophy and maintain muscle fiber mobility when it is important to immobilize a muscle to protect the healing tissues during the very early recovery process.